Our Services

Community Services

HepatitisWA provides support, advice, and advocacy for people affected by viral hepatitis.

This support includes messaging of any changes in treatment options, new government policies, and what are your rights with regards to disclosure and management of viral hepatitis in the workplace.  HepatitisWA also provides consultation and input into national discussions and political discourse, ensuring the best outcomes for people living with viral hepatitis.

Health Promotion discussions and events provide opportunity for enhancing community knowledge around viral hepatitis and serves to destigmatise the virus.

Clinical Services

HepatitisWA provides expert clinical services in the screening, treatment, and management of hepatitis B and C.

Our purpose-built clinic spaces can provide onsite phlebotomy services, FibroScan, and womens health services.

The Deen Clinic provides mixed-billing primary health care to our community; including wound care, general sickness, vaccinations, chronic disease management, and sexual health screening.  Visit our Deen Clinic page to learn more about our services.


HepatitisWA provides education on viral hepatitis to community workplaces, community centres, TAFE’s and Universities, health and wellness programs, prisons, and other community spaces to better improve community understanding on the affects of viral hepatitis to individuals, families, and our social systems such as workforce and healthcare.

Education sessions are tailored to suit each environment and are designed to be delivered at a level that best engages the participants knowledge and literacy levels.

Please contact our Community Services team on 08 9227 9800 to learn more about how we can partner with your organisation to provide an engaging education session to your team and clients.

Harm Reduction


HepatitisWA provides a community needle and syringe program (NSP) that operates weekdays to distribute clean injecting equipment to those in the community who choose to inject drugs.

These could be medical treatment, such as insulin, or other drugs.  We provide a non-judgemental and friendly service that is designed to better care for our clients.

In addition to providing clean injecting equipment, our NSP also offers toiletries, food, and brief education on keeping safe, and can provide referrals to support services such as homelessness services, or to our clinical partnerships for health needs.