HepatitisWA and WAAC collectively bring over 70 years of experience in meeting the sexual health and blood-borne virus needs of Western Australians. Our organisations share common values, complementary services, and a deep commitment to our communities.
We are now exploring ways to strengthen our collaboration further, including consulting with key stakeholders and community members to gather their input and explore future possibilities.
You can read our statement for more information about this process. Dates for consultation opportunities will be shared shortly - watch this space!
The Board of HepatitisWA is pleased to announce the appointment of Rebecca Smith to the role of Chief Executive Officer.
Rebecca brings over 10 years’ experience in executive level leadership roles across the community services health sector, combined with a long history of working in the sexual health and blood-borne virus sector leading strategic communications and stakeholder engagement portfolios.
Rebecca will be joining us in a short-term capacity to lead HepatitisWA through its next chapter of strategic planning, including the exploration of future partnership opportunities. A previous Board member of HepatitisWA, Rebecca has stepped down from the Board to take up this role, and we thank her for her contributions and expertise in this space.
Take part in a new national survey for people living with hepatitis B.
People living with hepatitis B can experience a range of everyday issues and problems. This includes small, day-to-day issues or it may involve larger challenges. The Health+Law Legal Needs Study (LeNS) is the first ever national survey of these everyday issues for people living with hepatitis B. It aims to increase access to justice, and improve the health and wellbeing of people living with hepatitis B.
To participate you must be:
· over 18 years of age
· living with hepatitis B
· living in Australia
The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete, and all participants can enter a draw to win a $250 gift voucher. Responses are completely anonymous, and no identifying information is collected.
Health+Law is made up of a team of researchers based at UNSW, UTS and QUT, working in partnership with ASHM, HALC, Hepatitis Australia and NAPWHA. To learn more or to complete the survey click here.
Survey closes December 18. Please share with anyone who might be interested.
Naloxone saves lives
Recent overdose deaths raise fears for people in prison – naloxone must be made available to save lives.
Click here to read the media statement
What is naloxone?
Naloxone is a medicine that rapidly reverses an opioid overdose. It is an antagonist. This means that it attaches to opioid receptors and reverses and blocks the effects of other opioids. Naloxone can quickly restore normal breathing to a person if their breathing has slowed or stopped because of an opioid overdose.
How is naloxone given?
Naloxone should be given to any person who shows signs of an opioid overdose or when an overdose is suspected. Naloxone can be given as a spray or it can be injected into the muscle, under the skin, or in the veins.
World Hepatitis Day 2024
The aim for World Hepatitis Day 2024 in Australia is to mobilise action on the elimination of viral hepatitis in Australia supported by national coordination.
The global theme for World Hepatitis Day 2024 is "It's time for action.”
Download the 2024 factsheet here
Hepatitis C Testing
Results in 1 hour
Hepatitis C Testing • Results in 1 hour •
The Deen Clinic now offers point of care (finger-prick) testing for Hepatitis C.
It is quick, easy and accurate.
Just walk in, no appointments needed.
Upcoming ASHM Viral Hepatitis Training
Download the ASHM upcoming viral hepatitis flyers below
The Deen Clinic is Proudly AGPAL Accredited
The Deen Clinic general practice is AGPAL accredited – what does this mean?
Being accredited means that our general practice is committed to a comprehensive program that involves:
• Engaging our whole practice team to review our practice’s systems and processes
• Opening our practice doors to allow a team of independent surveyors to assess how our practice operates
• Assessment of our practice, and achievement of the nationally recognised Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
Standards for general practices, that focus on health care quality and patient safety. As a member of the community, you may be surprised to learn that general practice accreditation is a voluntary process – which means not all practices undergo an independent on-site assessment on a regular basis.
Achievement of AGPAL accreditation reassures you that our doctors and practice team are committed to providing you with high quality health care in a safe environment.
Next time you visit our practice be sure to look out for the AGPAL Accredited General Practice Symbol (to the right) or our accreditation certificate.
Our practice team is proud of this achievement and as part of this process, we continuously strive to make quality improvements to better your patient experience. Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL) is a not-for-profit independent provider of general practice accreditation in Australia.
To learn more about the benefits of accreditation to you, your family, and the Australian community visit www.agpal.com.au.
What is Hepatitis?
The word hepatitis simply means inflammation (titis) of the liver (hepat). Hepatitis can be caused by viruses, harmful consumption of alcohol, drugs, medications, contact with some chemical and toxins, and some autoimmune conditions. The inflammation in the liver is your body’s natural reaction to the damage being caused by these conditions and toxins.
Motivate C Project
New research project offering cash rewards to people commencing Hepatitis C treatment
Most people with hepatitis C can be cured with as little as 8 weeks of treatment. Despite this, many Australians with hepatitis C are yet to undertake the treatment and be cured. The Motivate C project is studying whether the offer of a cash incentive will encourage people to take up hepatitis C treatment in primary care and is looking for people living with hepatitis C to take part.
The University of Sydney is leading this national project in collaboration with researchers, healthcare providers and GP experts within the hepatitis C field. Funding for the project is provided by the Australian Government’s Medical Research Future Fund. The Motivate C study is approved by the Sydney Local Health District Human Research Ethics Committee (2022/ETH01681) and is now recruiting participants from May 2023.
Adults with hepatitis C and who haven’t received hep C treatment in the past 6 months can take part in the project.Participants self-register for this study and will be connected with a treatment navigator, to guide them through all study procedures. The project will provide all participants with a compensation payment for their time. Additionally, participants may be randomly assigned to receive a reward payment for commencing hepatitis c therapy.
GPs are critical to the success of the Motivate C project. They can help by identifying eligible participants and letting them know about the project. For more information, please see https://motivatec-project.sydney.edu.au/
Hepatitis Australia Launches New National Hepatitis Infoline
The National Hepatitis Infoline (1800 437 222 / 1800 HEP ABC) is a collaboration between Hepatitis Australia and it's members, the State and Territory Hepatitis Organisaitons, including HepatitisWA.
The infoline provides confidential and free information on hepatitis B and hepatitis C and allows people to speak with someone from their state who can provide brief interventions, peer support, referral and linkage to services in their area, and individual advocacy.
Find out more about The National Hepatitis Infoline
Upcoming ASHM Hep B Training
Practical Updates in HCV Management and Treatment
Download Course Flyer
Register for the Training
Upcoming CDCD & RACGP Training
WA Syphilis Outbreak - Updates for Clinicians
Download Flyer
Zoom Registration Link

Personal stories of hepatitis C treatment and cure
HepatitisWA would like to introduce you to this excellent new hep C initiative,
“Vital voices: Personal stories of treatment for hepatitis C.”
This website has two aims. First, it aims to support people living with hepatitis C in thinking about and/or having treatment. Second, it aims to inform the public about hepatitis C and what can be done about it.